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Hanna Paakkonen Heinonen
Hanna Heinonen founded Heinonen's Grocery Store with her husband in 1935. Their one-room store is now Sune's Grocery Market & Drygoods General Store.

Karl Heinonen
Karl Heinonen, along with his wife, Hanna, founded Heinonen's Grocery Store in 1935. It was one room and the little family lived in what is now the storage room behind the Drygoods General Store at Sune's.

Sune's Drygood Winter 2021
Snowdrifts piled up to the roof of Sune's Drygoods General Store after a 2021 storm.

Hanna Paakkonen Heinonen
Hanna Heinonen founded Heinonen's Grocery Store with her husband in 1935. Their one-room store is now Sune's Grocery Market & Drygoods General Store.
Scenic Drummond Island

The Ledges
on Drummond Island

One of the many beautiful spots
on the Island
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