Helpful Local Contact Information
Ambulance & Fire Dial 911
IMPORTANT: If emergency help is necessary, know that phone service in more remote areas is spotty. Our emergency personnel are largely volunteers. They try valiantly to keep wait times as low as possible as they rush from their current jobs all over the Island/mainland to the emergency site. Refusing service after their response is considered extremely rude. Get in the ambulance. Immediate medical assistance en route is important for your safety. It is approximately an hour's drive to the nearest hospital.
Drummond Island Tourism Association (affectionately known as DITA): https://www.eupta.net/ - has extensive information & links to many features, businesses, activities, amenities, etc.
Drummond Township: https://www.drummondislandtownship.org/contact has local government information.
So You Have Questions?
Q: How often does the ferry to Drummond Island run?
A: The Drummond Island Ferry runs hourly except for a stretch during the night. Drummond boasts 2 ferries that run "wild" (off schedule) when the vehicle lineups - going in either direction - are excessive. This sometimes happens during holidays or special occasions, for example, on the Fourth of July.
Q: Do you need to pay on the return trip?
A: No, the fare is collected during the initial trip onto the Island.
Q: Does the ferry run in the winter?
A: Yes, the ferry runs on the winter schedule as long as the weather
& ice conditions cooperate.
Drummond Island Ferry: EUP Transportation Authority, 4001 I-75 Business Spur, Sault Ste Marie, MI 49783, 906-632-2898, www.eupta.net
*Commuter Tickets valid at all EUPTA ferry locations, & expire 6 months from date of purchase.
Senior Citizen - Age 65 and over must show ID
Ferry Ticket Rates
All Rates Reflect Round Trips (Except Specials & Houses)
Fares include all passengers in vehicles
Car/Pickup/UTV $20
Senior/Disabled Car/Pickup/UTV $10
Truck Single Axle/Commercial Delivery $30
Truck Tandem Axle $35
Motor Home $35
Pickup with Camper $30
Trailer up to 15’ $20
Trailer over 15’ to 25’ $25
Trailer over 25’ $35
Motorcycle/Snowmobile/ATV $10
Regular Gas/Explosive/Concrete Truck $70
Semi Gas/Explosive $140
All decisions regarding vehicle
classifications shall be made by
EUPTA Crew & are final & binding
Rates & schedules subject to change
Walk-On Passenger $2
Walk-On Passenger Senior/Disabled $1
Specials (one-way) + Regular Fare $150
Houses (one-way/by appointment only) $500
20 Trip Commuter Punch Cards*
Car/Pickup/UTV $100
Senior Car/Pickup/UTV $75
Truck Single Axle/Trailer 15’ to 25’ $300
Truck Tandem Axle/Trailer 25’ or over/Concrete Truck (Truck & Trailer = 2 punches) $500
A NEW Ferry
is planned!!
See EUPTA for updates
Q: How large is Drummond Island?
A: Drummond Island is 129 sq. miles of land, mostly undeveloped & belonging to the State of Michigan. It has a large central bay along with many nearby islands & coves. Main roads are paved & there are extensive remote trails.
Q: Are things expensive there?
A: Aside from common economic issues faced everywhere, Drummond Island businesses must account for the remoteness, the ferry fees, the small size of orders, being last on the "food chain" in the supply stream as well as the seasonal population shifts. Most business owners & their families live here, so they do their very best to provide good service & keep prices as low as is feasible for business solvency. Nobody's getting rich around here.